Let The Muff Go Free!


My good friend once said to me, “Wherever you may be, let your wind blow free.” I'm pretty sure she was referring to farts, but it stuck in my brain forever and ever, just like a bad song (I’m looking at you, Justin Bieber).

As much as this saying gets on my last nerve when it plays on repeat in my brain, I’d like to repurpose it and say, “Wherever you may be, let your muff go free.” I’m a firm believer that we need to let the vaj out of its cage every once in awhile. Let the wind blow over it, under it, and around it - but, like, in a legal way. Don’t just air that puppy out anywhere. I’m not advocating for exhibitionism here.

Realistically, we all wear leggings and jeans most of the day. Friction is a bikini area's worst nightmare (second to a person heading down south who actually thinks spelling the alphabet with their tongue is a good technique). To eliminate the sting of razor burn, the pain of ingrown hairs, and those annoying little bumps on your butt cheeks (a.k.a., folliculitis), you must maintain a good exfoliating and moisturizing routine AND LET THE BEAVER FREE.  Sleep with no panties, cook with loose jammies, and pretty much rock out sans pants as much as possible (and socially acceptable).

Here’s what to do: 

Bikini brush your love muffin and cheeks with MERBENS JUTE DRY BRUSH. Moisturize with 7 FATHOMS all-natural moisturizer with real seaweed extract. I’ve watched them dive in the Atlantic and handpick this stuff – it’s legit. Most importantly, let your vajiggle jaggle! Jam out with your clam out, ladies! You're welcome. Have fun!



The 1970 Muff


Debunking the Ingrown Hair Mystery